Resumé and References

                       PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE


2013- Today     Vice – President of the French National Institute of Art Craftsmen ( I.N.M.A.)

1992- 2014     Conservator/Restorer of Heritage - Glass and Ceramics
                        Acting in conservation of antiques and art objects, for state archaeological departments, for the organization of heritage restoration, for historical monuments state department, and for private owners.
                       Authorised restorer for the State Department of French Museums

2014               Official technical expert recorded in the French National Federation of Professional Art  (FNEPSA)

2005- 2014    Elect at the Chamber of Trade and Craftsmen of the French central region
                       Acting in recognition, promotion and growth of art craftsmen

2010- 2014    Regional coordinator of the French National Institute of Art Craftsmen (I.N.M.A.)
                      Setting up a regional activity of art craftmen, in relationship with the European Art Craftmen Fairs

2008- 2010    Regional delegate of the art craftsmen promotion society (S.E.M.A.)
                      Organization of yearly art craftsmen prize

                          TRAINING AND DIPLOMA

2010                Masters in professional conservation- restoration of art objects
                       University of  Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne

1991               Masters of science and technology of conservation and restoration of  art works,
                       special excellence distinction - university of Paris I

1989               Bachelor of Art History - Institute, University of Paris I Sorbonne

1986               Bachelor of General Chemistry - University of Science - Tours

1974- 1984     High school of Decorative Arts – Blois


Partner Museums

Victoria and Albert Museum – Londres
National Ceramics Museum – Sèvres, Hauts de Seine
Hospice Saint Roch -Issoudun, Indre
Museum of Bourges – Cher
Hôtel Gouin- Musée du Compagnonnage – Tours, Indre et Loire
Museum of Vendôme, Loir et Cher
Museum of Nogent le Rotrou, Eure et Loire
Museum of Arts and Sacred Works of Art– Blois, Loir et Cher
Museum of Earthenware - Gien, Loiret
Museum of Chinaware center of Mehun sur Yèvre, Cher
Museum Henri Barré – Thouars, deux Sèvres

Partner Historical Monuments: Castles and Churches
Château de Chenonceau, Indre et Loire
Château de Champs sur Marne, Seine et Marne
Abbatiale de Saint-Pierre sur Dives, Calvados
Abbaye de Notre-Dame-du-Vœu, Manche
Château de Chamerolles, Loiret
Château de Maupas, Cher
Château de Beauregard et Château de Blois, Loir et Cher
Abbaye de Fontmorigny, Cher

Art Craftsmen activities

2006 Setting up the Art Craftsmen committee in the Trade and Craftsmen chamber of Central France.
·         Establishing a list of approved Craftsmen as well as official state titles of Master Craftsmen
·         Creating the  « Art Workshops meetings » :  Networking of Art Craftsmen professionals
·         Partnering and Joint projects with the « Treasures of Craftsmen », French Art Workshops/ Art Tourism  agency
2007-2014 President of Touraine Art Craftsmen Prize Jury

            .     Organization and promotion of the Prize 

 Conferences and Lectures given

2013 Symposium of Loches « Cultural art objects in Touraine »
Lecture on the Earthenware workshop of St Christophe sur le Nais- Indre et Loire

2011 European Art Craftsmen Fair- Hôtel Gouïn
Conference on the restoration of the St Peter statue : a reference earthenware for the workshop of St Christophe sur le Nais

2005 Heritage Days – Museum of Vendôme                                                                             
Conference  and Presentation of the  restoration/ conservation of the Urbino Majolica ( decorated glass plate) of XVI th  century : Saint John evangelist 

2000 Heritage Days – Musée de Cherbourg
Conference on the  restoration/conservation of the tile tombstone from XIIIth century of the church of Notre Dame du Vœu

1995- 1997 Heritage Days Indre et Loire
Series of Lectures on new technologies in restoration/conservation of ceramics

1990 Archaeological Laboratory of Tours- Indre et Loire
Organization of the show«  Home pottery , from Gallo-Roman age to Middle age ».

Trainings given

Since 1994 : 
- School trainings on restoration/ conservation of Ceramics
-Trainee internships for Preparation of Masters in Cultural Art object 


·         Asquier  M.P.  Restauration d’une plate- tombe du XIII e . découverte à l’abbaye Notre- Dame du Vœu à Cherbourg. Archéopages. n° 8 – novembre 2002 ;
·         Asquier M. P -Restauration du Pavement de Saint Pierre sur Dives- Arts funéraires et décors de la vie- Normandie XII XVI ème siècles- Publications du CRAHM- 2003 ;
·         Asquier M.P.-Restauration- Conservation d’une plate- tombe du XIIIe . Arts funéraires et décors de la vie- Normandie XII XVI ème siècles- Publications du CRAHM- Juillet 2003 ;

Distinctions & Prizes

·         2011 Trophy « Femme de Touraine »
·         Living Heritage Label – 2008
·         National Prize of Art Craftsmen - Restoration of Heritage -2001